Simple interactive image annotation tool. Author: Brian D. Bue ( Based on code by Daniel Kornhauser from the matplotlib-users mailing list available at the following url: Requirements: - matplotlib - numpy - scipy (for loading Matlab files) - wxPython (for WXagg matplotlib backend) Usage: python [options] [image_file] -h --help print this usage and exit -r --ref reference image (RGB or RGBA image to display) -b --bands indices of reference bands (default=[0,1,2]) -w --wvl wavelength file -l --load-rois load ROIs from file -c --color color file (default=cm_jet16.txt) -n --norm L2 normalize each pixel in image_file -s --scale scaling factor for reference image colors (default=1.0) -f --flip flip data up/down w.r.t. reference file -v --verbose enable verbose output Mouse commands: left click: define new ROI point, drag for free-hand drawing, select/deselect existing ROI right click: close current ROI polygon, delete existing ROI Keyboard commands: e: export rois m: export mean image a: annotate ROIs d: delete last ROI g: group selected ROIs u: ungroup selected ROIs j: join unlabeled ROIs to labeled ROI group c: clear all unlabeled ROIs =: grow zoom window -: shrink zoom window q: quit (and export if ROIs changed since startup) Loading matlab (.mat) files: Because returns a dictonary, it is necessary to provide the key to that dictionary where the image data is located. To do so, use the following syntax python [options] /path/to/image.mat:key_value This syntax also works for the ref and wvl files. For instance, the command: python -r /path/to/ref.mat:ref_img \ -w /path/to/wvl.mat:wavelengths /path/to/image.mat:img_dat will load the ref_img variable from ref.mat as the reference image, the wavelengths variable from the wvl.mat file as the image wavelengths, and the img_dat variable from image.mat as the image data file.