Brian D. Bue: [News] [Bio] [CV] [Publications] [Software] [Teaching]

Mobile: 323.638.7684

Machine Learning and Instrument Autonomy
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
MS 158-206, 4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA, 91109

Site updated: April 29, 2016

Wordle generated from my 2009-2011 papers.


Added my code to my github profile.

May 21, 2015: Fixed bug in continuum-curve generation in LINCR code. Thanks to Xiaojun Qiao for catching the error.

March 8, 2014: Moved site from to

March 6, 2014: Added missing cr.c file to LINCR package.

June 21, 2013: Posted new versions of RelTrans, MARTIAL and MCMTL toolkits.

June 3, 2013: HiiHAT ENVI/IDL toolkit open-sourced by JPL, now available on Sourceforge.


I am a research technologist in the Machine Learning and Instrument Autonomy Group at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

I received my Ph.D. from the Electrical and Computer Engineering department, George R. Brown School of Engineering, Rice University in April 2013. My advisor was Erzsébet Merényi of the Department of Statistics.

From 2007 to 2010, I was a NASA Graduate Student Researchers Program fellow working on "Automatic Labeling of High Dimensional Remotely Sensed Imagery via Semantic Modeling." My primary advisor was Prof. Merényi and my NASA technical advisor was Kiri Wagstaff of Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

I was the primary developer (Nov. 2010-Oct. 2011) of the Hyperspectral Image Interpretation and Holistic Analysis Toolkit (Hii-HAT), originally designed by David Thompson (PI) and Lukas Mandrake.

Prior to joining JPL, I worked with Tomasz Stepinski, then of the Lunar and Planetary Institute, now at the Department of Geography, University of Cincinnati, on automated landform classification and crater detection from Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) data.

I received a M.S. from the Purdue University Computer Science department in 2006, a B.S. in Computer Science and a B.A. in Mathematics from Augsburg College in Minneapolis, MN in 2003.

Professional bio sketch (last updated: April 29, 2016).

Curriculum Vitae

CV (pdf) (last updated: July 18, 2022).


Also see: Google scholar and Researchgate.

Ph.D. Thesis



Technical Reports


Note: for the latest updates to the packages below, see my github profile.


For each Fall semester from 2008 to 2010, I assisted Prof. Devika Subramanian with her course "Introduction to Computational Thinking."

During Spring semester 2009, I was a teaching assistant for both ELEC502: Artificial Neural Networks with Prof. Merényi and COMP540: Machine Learning, also with Prof. Devika Subramanian.

While at Purdue, I was a teaching assistant for Systems Programming Laboratory (C), and Compilers: Principles and Practice, both with Dennis Brylow (now with the Dept. of Computer Science, Marquette University ).